Key stage 3

Gatsby BM2, 4
Key stages


CANDOO® is a fun and engaging game designed to get young learners thinking about and discussing STEM-based careers. It can be played as a game on its own or built into wider careers activities.

You can purchase this resource from the website.

Gatsby BM2, 4
Key stages


Inspiring Tomorrow's Engineers 

Our ambition is to inform and inspire young people and grow the number and diversity of tomorrow’s engineers. We support employers and the wider engineering community to achieve this collective aim and engage directly with schools via our outreach programmes.

Check out some of our resources here!

Gatsby BM1
Key stages

Teacher Encounter Resources

A meaningful teacher encounter with employers/employees is one in which teachers/staff can develop their knowledge and understanding of sectors, careers and routes available to students at key transitions. These resources have been developed by the Careers & Enterprise Company to support the development of those opportunities.

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