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What’s your strength?® cards, created by Careers Adviser Katherine Jennick, have been designed to help young people translate what they do in their lives into their own unique set of strengths.
The cards are colour coded so young people can explore strengths related to their school subjects using the green cards, or their hobbies and life experiences using the purple cards. They select the cards which apply to them and then turn them over to find a variety of skills and qualities. The mixture of words helps to prompt thought-provoking conversation and encourage self-reflection.
Being able to recognise their abilities and articulate their strengths will empower young people to:
- Develop self-awareness and understand themselves better
- Discover their own unique skills and qualities and embrace who they are
- Improve their confidence, self-esteem, and motivation
- Understand how their day-to-day lives help them develop transferable skills
- Develop career planning skills such as:
- understanding which types of jobs they are well suited to
- CV writing
- applying for jobs, college, university, and apprenticeships
- preparing for interviews
What’s your strength?® cards are widely used in schools/colleges across the UK and globally and are a recommended resource to support one of the six career development skills – “Grow Throughout Life” in the CDI (Career Development Institute) 2021 Career Development Framework.
The downloadable glossary offers clear and consistent definitions, and the instruction leaflet in the pack offers suggestions for reflective discussions and extension activities. There are also more ideas on how to use the cards in a free download called ‘Different ways to use What’s your strength?® teen pack’.
“I used these in three workshops on employability skills this week. Without fail, any student that was struggling to find something in their life that they did which demonstrated transferable skills was able to find at least one thing with the help of these cards. A terrific resource and highly recommended.”
Dr Oliver Jenkin, Career Development Consultant
What’s your strength?® posters – to accompany the teen cards
These 46 posters have been designed to complement the teen pack of What’s your strength?® cards.
There are 20 posters of school subjects to help students make tangible links between their classroom learning and their future lives beyond school. There are 26 posters with a mixture of activities and life experiences to reinforce positive messages about students’ unique life stories and strengths.
The posters are provided as a digital download so you print and laminate to your own size requirements. As well as the 46 posters, there is a ‘Top Tips’ guide with ideas about how to use the posters to encourage career conversations and help students become more self-aware.
“In subject classrooms, teachers are using the posters to answer to age-old question,
“What’s the point in [insert subject]?”
Careers Adviser