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Preparing for Results Day:
- Track intended destinations (and Plan Bs where relevant) for all students. Access example template here.
- Review intended destinations against key education engagement and academic achievement data to identify any vulnerable students (particularly on release of results those who have not met required grades for intended destinations).
- Prepare and brief key staff who will be working with students and ensure they know of any concerns/Plan B’s etc.
- Collect all contacts and permissions for tracking destinations.
- Plan key narratives and potential success stories for any internal communications/press releases.
Brief students within the UCAS process about a Results Day toolkit:
- UCAS ID number (and log-in details)
- UCAS Clearing number (where relevant)
- Key ‘Clearing’ telephone numbers/processes
- Pens and paper
- A phone charger
- Copy of Personal Statement
- GCSE results
- Publish and share key contact details of key providers with students and parents/carers in advance of Results Day.
- Consider key messaging and top tips for parents/carers in preparation for the results day, including opening times, relevant enrolment procedures, availability of key staff and key websites, e.g. A parents' toolkit for career conversations.
- Consider an informal Q&A for key parents/carers.
- Consider Careers Leaders who may need to support parents.
On Results Day:
- Collate a live destinations tracker on the day allowing up to date destinations to be logged including mechanisms to identify and support any vulnerable students.
- Have help sheets available.
Consider including:
- Pathway overview
- Contacts for guidance support, key providers, etc.
- National Careers Service
- Speak to an adviser: If you need help or advice around your exam results and next steps, you can call the National Careers Service on 0800 100 900 or use webchat
- Key websites e.g. National Careers Service, UCAS, Youth Employment UK, etc.
- BBC Bitesize
- Key tips and advice around telephone conversations within Clearing, etc.
After Results Day:
- Follow up with contact with all those who did not attend to confirm destinations and identify any relevant support.
- Contact relevant providers to confirm enrolments where possible.
- Track vulnerable students to check enrolment and starts.
- Compare intended destinations with actual destinations and analyse trends/identify gaps to inform continuous improvement and impact evaluation
- Articulate and share key successes and narratives for internal communications, reporting to SLT/Govs and for potential press releases.
Press Release Guidance:
1: Think of a press release as a pyramid; the further down you get, the more detail you give!
- Use a VERY clear headline – tell the story in one sentence/headline
- Tell the story in one paragraph
- Who, what, when, where, why and how (in order of importance)
- Quote from key students/staff
- Where to find more information.
2: Avoid jargon! If your neighbour at home wouldn’t understand it, you’ll need to re-write it.
3: Keep things factual yet add in exciting statistics and opinions (especially from students!).