Same and Different

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Same and Different is a model developed by our strategic partner for SEND, Talentino. It enables careers practitioners, employers, families and others to better understand the aspects of early career development for 18-year olds with SEND. All aspects underpin the delivery of the Gatsby Benchmarks and they are categorised in three ways:

  1. Same – this is an aspect that will have the same value to a young person with SEND as to those without SEND.
  2. Same and Different – this is an aspect that will have the same value to a young person with SEND but will need to be delivered differently.
  3. Different – these aspects will only be relevant to the young person with SEND and will not be relevant to young people without SEND.


Choose the right version for you

There are two versions of this particular model (the four SEND groupings defined in the Code of Practice were divided into two SEND career groups):

  • Version 1 – for SEND career group 1 students with communication/interaction or cognition and learning difficulties who typically will not take GCSEs/Level 2 qualifications. NB: this model is not wholly relevant for students with highly complex needs such as PMLD.
  • Version 2 – for SEND career group 2 students with SEND; social, emotional, and mental health difficulties (SEMH); and behaviour sensory and/or physical needs who typically take GCSEs/Level 2 qualifications.
Top tips
  • This model can be used to support understanding with all stakeholders around young people with SEND.
  • Be sure to choose the version that’s most relevant to you.
  • More details can be found in our SEND toolkit.

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