The Careerpilot Parent Zone has answers to questions parents are frequently asking about study and career pathways with advice and additional useful links so they feel informed and able to support their young person.
Despite the impact of the pandemic on school and college life, Quality in Careers has seen continued commitment to quality assured careers support by many schools and colleges. To support this, 38 case studies aimed at schools and colleges, covering regions across England are available for free on the Quality in Careers website.
Developed by the team at the Black Country Careers Hub this resource features a number of videos looking at different roles available and reflections from people undertaking those roles. This resource features in the My Skills My Future programme.
This paper provides evidence for effective career guidance within the Further Education (FE) sector. The evidence can be used by colleges of all types and providers of career and enterprise programmes when considering supporting young people with careers activities.
Developed by Black Country Careers Hub. This resource gives ideas of how you can be more inclusive during specific career activities including reasonable adjustments.