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Vocational Profile
This resource is a person centred planning tool specifically geared to employment and to support quality transitions. It is used to inform the direction of travel on the journey into work and further education. It gathers information that will help determine what would be suitable in terms of work tasters, work experience, vocational courses and jobs for an individual. It provides an overview of the person’s aspirations and interests, experience and needs that can be summarised and attached to a plan.
It is intended schools start using the profile with pupils in year 8/9 as part of the school curriculum and complete by the time they are in year 11 or sixth form (special schools) whatever is suited to the young person.
This document would then travel to their post 16, 18 or 19 destinations. It will also support one to one career guidance meetings and career advisors to build a bigger picture of the young person and how support them best.
It should be a live document, if at all possible - kept online and updated after any kind of work experience, work placement or changes of aspirations.
It will support transitions to colleges and training providers. Colleges and training providers can then add and amend the document as the young person is ready to transition into work.
The vocational profile can also be utilised in EHCP annual reviews.
It is an opportunity to find out what a young person is interested in, what their skills and talents are and it is a way of opening doors to what is possible. It should be a motivating conversation that allows for understanding of a young person's aspirations for work or future destination.