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My Journey, My Future
The materials provided by our partners consist of lesson materials, pathways information and engagement videos which can support progress in many of the Gatsby Benchmarks and form part of an effective careers programme.
The two key learning outcomes for My Journey, My Future are;
My Journey – identify, recognise and develop a self-awareness of current employability skill level.
My Future – apply understanding to developing an action plan for transition to a possible career pathway.
The programme has been organised in a way that enables you to use it flexibly and responsively as part of your effective progressive careers programme.
Resources include:
- Lesson Materials: to increase knowledge and understanding of key topics in 3 specific sections – all about me, next steps and transitions.
- Pathways: to provide information of possible pathways for careers and opportunity for development of employability skills.
- Workplace Engagement Videos: to offer stimuli for engagement and interest in a range of careers and career types.
My Journey, My Future has been designed to support the following key transitional stages of a young person’s journey through education and into the world of work
- Age 11+
- Age 13+
- Options
- Special School
- Transition to Alternative Provision (vice versa)
- Post-16
- Post-18