

Whether you are volunteering with a school or college or are developing your business’s approach to education outreach then you can find helpful resources below. Use the filters to surface the most appropriate material.


Gatsby BM5, 6
Key stages

Inclusion mag for Employers

The Careermag for Inclusion series is designed for employers who do not currently work with young people with SEND. It showcases case studies of success to inspire employers to get involved and highlights the benefits for the young people and for the business.

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Employer engagement in careers education: Insights 2020/21

This report draws out key insights from some of the employers most involved in careers education across the country, analysing how practice is evolving and what activity is generating impact. It draws on survey data from ninety businesses of different shapes, types, sectors and in each region of England, and analyses their experiences of preparing students for the world of work.

Gatsby BM5, 6
Key stages

How to Support Careers and Enterprise Activities in Schools: a Practical Guide for Employers

We partnered with the CBI to undertake research to better understand how employers engage with schools. From this research we have produced this practical guide for employers who want to engage with schools together with a compendium of case studies from businesses.


An Employer’s guide to supporting STEM careers education in England

This Employer’s guide to STEM careers education explains how employer engagement can support secondary schools and colleges in England to deliver high-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers education.

Access the resource here.