HOSW mentoring programme

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The HOTSW careers hub mentoring programme is designed to be delivered by Enterprise Advisers within their respective schools. It can also be delivered by members of school staff/governors, or other volunteers from the business world. The programme has two main objectives:

  • Raising aspiration – broadening a student’s horizons, rather than narrowing their options in terms of goals, careers, and self-awareness.
  • Personal development – developing a students’ skills, knowledge and personal attributes in line with the requirement of today’s world of work.


The programme runs over 10 sessions, where the Enterprise Adviser will work with a small group of students from year 10 – once per half term (or equivalent) up to Easter in Year 11. It is envisaged that 4-6 students will be selected by the school; identifying those who lack confidence in their own ability and those who could achieve higher grades with a small amount of encouragement.

Top tips
  • Identify Enterprise Advisers, and other potential mentors, and brief them fully on the programme before introducing them to students.
  • Arrange regular check-ins with the student/employer to ensure the encounters they are having are meaningful.
  • Gain evaluation from the Enterprise Adviser/employer at the end to inform future provision.

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