Careers Link Governor - Role Description
Related resources
SEND Outreach Campaign E Pack
This is the electronic version of the SEND Outreach Campaign. It contains lots of useful resources for Career Leaders in a SEND setting.
Contained in the pack are the following:
- SEND Gatsby Toolkit
- Transform your careers programme - Career Leader training details
- Compass for Special
- Careers Health Checklist
- Same and Different model
Understanding the role of the Careers Leader: A Guide for Secondary Schools
The government's Careers Strategy means that all schools and colleges should have a named Careers Leader in place by September 2018. This guide for secondary schools explains the role and how it can work in your institution.
Black Country Careers Hub SEND resources
The Black Country Careers Hub have developed a number of resources to support those working with young people with SEND in the different settings. Many of these resources are featured in the My Skills My Future programme.
NCS: Organising Your Future
This resource is part of the My Skills My Future programme and contains resources aimed at both SEND groups and AP/PRU settings. It contains Slide decks and teacher guidance.