
Careers Leader

Careers Leaders are responsible and accountable for the planning, delivery and impact measurement of their school, special school or college’s strategic careers plan and progressive careers programme.

It’s a key role that involves aligning careers provision to the strategic priorities of the school, special school or college and overseeing work towards meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks in a meaningful way for young people.

The Careers Leader needs to be someone who can:

  • Take responsibility for continuous improvement of the strategic careers plan and the progressive careers programme, which should be planned and implemented to ensure positive outcomes for young people.
  • Coordinate and manage the various elements of the careers programme informed by a strategic careers plan aligned to school, special school or college priorities.
  • Liaise with external partners, such as employers, learning providers and career guidance services.
  • Pay careful attention to feedback from all stakeholders and to the destinations of pupils.

Developed with you in mind, we’ve made it easy to quickly find the trusted, high quality resources you need to make a difference. We’ve identified, and regularly update, key resources that can directly support you as you plan, implement and measure the impact of your strategic careers plan and progressive careers programme and as you work towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks.


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Key stages

FES Connect Activity

‘FES Connect’ is a national community for Post 16 careers leaders and practitioners, supporting development and sharing of best practice to ensure every learner is supported to find their next best step. 

An opportunity to share examples of what's working well across the country in careers education via online seminars, newsletters showcasing best practice and an FES Connect chat board.

Click here to register.

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Key stages

Inspire Programme

Developed by The Leeds Trinity University.

The Inspire Programme provides activities and resources to support teachers and advisers in working towards the Gatsby benchmarks. 

Gatsby BM2, 3, 8
Key stages

Careers CEIAG for SEND

We specialise in empowering young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to realise their career aspirations. Our mission is to ensure every young person has the support and guidance they need to pursue their dreams, no matter the challenges they face.