Careers in the Business Sector SEND activity
Related resources
Gatsby BM5, 6
Key stages
Work Experience Resources for SEND School
The West of England Careers Hub recently commissioned staff from Three Ways School to work with seven SEND schools to support and train the careers leaders in developing a local network of employers for work experience. As part of this, a range of editable resources were produced.
Gatsby BM2, 4, 7
Key stages
Key worker Activities
Developed by the team at Inspiring Worcestershire Careers Hub this resource focuses on Key Workers.
Gatsby BM3, 5
Key stages
NatWest Dream Bigger Webinars
A series of three webinars aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills in young females aged 16 – 18 yrs.
Gatsby BM4
Key stages
Year 7 AET and EKFB MFL resource
These resources have been created by curriculum subject experts from Academies Enterprise Trust through collaboration with EKFB to engage and support students in learning by placing teaching points in the context of the world of work.