
Further Education

We work closely with sector colleagues and sector bodies to ensure these resources are tailored and differentiated to meet your college’s needs.

The Careers & Enterprise Company partnered with CooperGibson Research to carry out this research into careers leadership in colleges. Read the report here.


Gatsby BM1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
Key stages

Careerscope - Hospitality Industry Hub

CareerScope is your one-stop-shop for all things careers in the Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Industry.

Our mission is to support people from all backgrounds and ages, attract talent towards the industry, and ultimately, promote hospitality as a great place to work.

Whether you’re a teacher or careers advisor, a student, or a job seeker, we have resources, programmes and support available to help you reach your full potential.

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Key stages

Making encounters meaningful: support for providers​

This resource is for providers who deliver encounters in schools, special schools and colleges to support students with learning about all pathways.

In the context of the provider access legislation, a provider is an organisation that offers approved technical education qualifications or their representative, for example an FE college or training provider. The purpose of the resource is to enable providers to effectively engage with schools, special schools and colleges to deliver encounters that have an impact on students and are aligned with the institution’s wider careers education programme.​

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Key stages

Careers and enterprise provision in England’s colleges in 2019: Detailed Gatsby Benchmark results

This report builds on the national results from the State of the Nation Report 2019 with additional analysis of the Compass data for colleges specifically, to provide Careers Leaders, college leaders and their external partners with the insights needed to make further progress.

Gatsby BM5, 6
Key stages

IGD Work Experience week

If you are interested in helping your students learn about the food and grocery industry, we would recommend IGD Feeding Britains Futures. It is a free initiative that brings the industry together to develop students’ employability skills and learn about the wide range of roles in the industry.  

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Examples of good practice on access to schools for education and training providers

Through the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022, the Department for Education (DfE) strengthened the provider access legislation to specify that schools must provide at least six encounters for all their pupils, during school years 8-13. 

To support schools and providers, the DfE has compiled a collection of good practice examples and case studies of how the statutory duty applies in practice to enable schools and providers to understand the new legal requirements.

Gatsby BM6
Key stages

Intern Video Resource

The Careers & Enterprise Company hosted two students from School21 as interns as part of the Real World Learning Programme. As the first ever year 10 interns, Adil and Uyiosa bring to you their video resource on what young people want to know learn and experience when transitioning from education to the world of work. 

Gatsby BM3
Key stages


InterviewBot is an automated interview practice resource for schools and colleges, using real life avatars as interviewers.  This resource prepares students for their first real life interviews but does so in a safe environment where they can grow their confidence.

This resource offers a free trial and option of costed subscription.

Gatsby BM3
Key stages

South Somerset 14-19 Partnership ‘SEND Transitions: Imagine the Possibilities and Making a success of Further Education’

These resources have been developed by South Somerset Partnership as part of a transition project for SEND students. The resources pull together key Preparation for Adulthood information that will enable mainstream, special school and FE Careers Leaders to understand the journey and support available for young people with SEND. 

Gatsby BM5, 6
Key stages

How to Support Careers and Enterprise Activities in Schools: a Practical Guide for Employers

We partnered with the CBI to undertake research to better understand how employers engage with schools. From this research we have produced this practical guide for employers who want to engage with schools together with a compendium of case studies from businesses.