Employer engagement

Gatsby BM7
Key stages

Examples of good practice on access to schools for education and training providers

Through the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022, the Department for Education (DfE) strengthened the provider access legislation to specify that schools must provide at least six encounters for all their pupils, during school years 8-13. 

To support schools and providers, the DfE has compiled a collection of good practice examples and case studies of how the statutory duty applies in practice to enable schools and providers to understand the new legal requirements.

Gatsby BM7, 8
Key stages

Exploring University

Developed by Inspiring Worcestershire.

In this document you will be able to understand which are the leading universities locally, the degrees which are most popular, as well as the degrees which have the highest success rates in terms of securing future employment.

The guide also provides details of the leading universities which specialise in degrees relating to certain sectors.


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