Employer engagement

Gatsby BM4, 5
Key stages

People On Work YouTube Channel

People on Work showcases people talking about their relationship with their work. Our YouTube channel already features over 150 interviews with people from all walks of life answering our “3 Golden Questions”:

  • What do you like about your work?
  • How did you start out?
  • What would you say to someone starting out today?
Gatsby BM5, 6
Key stages

IGD Work Experience week

If you are interested in helping your students learn about the food and grocery industry, we would recommend IGD Feeding Britains Futures. It is a free initiative that brings the industry together to develop students’ employability skills and learn about the wide range of roles in the industry.  

Gatsby BM4, 5, 6
Key stages

Discover Creative Careers

Funded by DCMS and led by industry, the Discover Creative Careers website is an online portal packed with information, resources and events to help young people explore roles in the creative industries. Starting with an interactive careers finder tool connecting to more than 520 job profiles and an opportunity directory of events, resources, skills competitions, virtual work experience and more.

Gatsby BM3, 5
Key stages

Finding Your Futures

Developed by the National SEND Employment Forum these videos are aimed at introducing learners with special educational needs and disabilities (although they are not exclusive to this group) to an array of jobs and sectors.

Gatsby BM2, 5, 6, 7, 8
Key stages

Immerse Education

Immerse Education offers two week programmes in academic subject development with tutors from the University of Oxford and Cambridge. These take place as a residential programme in July and August, with accommodation provided at the universities, and a full programme of support academic and social activities.

There are also options to take part virtually, with an Online Academic Insights programme that runs for two weeks in December, April and throughout July and August. Although this is a fee-paying programme, we have bursaries available, and offer scholarships based on an essay competition open to all students aged 13-18.

Gatsby BM2, 5, 7
Key stages

Fulfilling Futures

Developed in collaboration by Complete Careers LLP and Greenwood Academies Trust.

This resource is to help learners to prepare for the challenge ahead from education to employment in a competitive job market.  This is primarily an information resource with links to activities, videos, and further reading.  It has skills and activities logs, a checklist, and an action plan at the end of the resource to record progress.  It is designed for independent use either in school or at home.


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