Fuelling Futures: a guide to supporting SEND for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Related resources
My Skills My Future
This programme has been collated from resources across our partners and network to support young people with SEND under the 2 groups identified in the SEND toolkit. It contains lessons around employability skill development , employer projects and engagement videos all to support young people in their next steps.
Maths Why Bother
Developed by MyPath the 'Maths, Why Bother?' resource aims to help Maths teaching staff to show students the explicit links between the maths curriculum and the world of work.
The Co-op Academy Trust Resource for Design Technology
Developed by the Co-op Academy Trust, these resources have been created by curriculum experts to engage students as practically as possible. Teachers can use these fully resourced classroom-based packs to bring careers directly into the Design Technology curriculum at key Stage 3.
NCS: Organising Your Future
This resource is part of the My Skills My Future programme and contains resources aimed at both SEND groups and AP/PRU settings. It contains Slide decks and teacher guidance.