Employer engagement

Gatsby BM5, 6, 7

Upskill Me

Upskill Me is a multipurpose tool enabling students to build a digital record of their achievements (both academic and extracurricular), learn about and develop in-demand soft skills, and find live opportunities to help them become better prepared for the world after school. Each students’ portfolio can be downloaded or shared into a job or UCAS application via a sharable link.

Gatsby BM2, 5, 6, 7, 8
Key stages

Immerse Education

Immerse Education offers two week programmes in academic subject development with tutors from the University of Oxford and Cambridge. These take place as a residential programme in July and August, with accommodation provided at the universities, and a full programme of support academic and social activities.

There are also options to take part virtually, with an Online Academic Insights programme that runs for two weeks in December, April and throughout July and August. Although this is a fee-paying programme, we have bursaries available, and offer scholarships based on an essay competition open to all students aged 13-18.

Gatsby BM2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Key stages


Students can explore hundreds of careers with up to date labour market information. Free and inspiring careers talks and the opportunity to interact and engage with the top employers in the UK.

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