Trust Community of Improvement (COI)
The terms of reference for the Trust COI are as follows:
- To grow a meaningful network of Central Strategic Careers Leaders from across Academy and Education Trusts.
- To develop and embed effective careers guidance across Trusts that impacts positive outcomes and permeates school improvement.
- To drive purposeful relationships and engagement and impact between Trusts and the Enterprise Adviser Network, including Careers Hubs.
- To surface and share exemplary practice of central strategic careers leadership across Trusts.
- To develop system leaders across careers education.
- To develop relevant and rigorous professional development for system leaders overseeing careers across Trusts.
If you meet the terms of reference it would be wonderful to have you on board. Contact
Our plans are to meet virtually three times a year with a communication ‘Connect with Trusts’ also three times a year. Here is the latest edition of Connect for Trusts.
Careers Impact internal leadership review
The Careers Impact internal leadership review supports a quality assured, sustainable and strategic approach to careers leadership.
The review forms part of the Careers Impact System, which is a process that drives continuous improvement in careers education. It sets clearly defined standards as to what good looks like in careers leadership and is directly linked to wider school and college improvement.
Connect for Trusts
Connect for Trusts has been designed to encourage careers professionals working within trusts, including members of our Trust Community of Improvement, to collaborate, innovate and share experiences and good practice.
Central Strategic Careers Leadership (CSCL): Developing approaches to the strategic leadership of careers across trust
This guide explores how the role of the Central Strategic Careers Leader is emerging within trusts, the value of the work on careers within trusts, the value of collaborative working between trusts and Careers Hubs, and employers across the various regions.
Careers Leader training
Transform your careers programme and develop your skills as a Careers Leader to strategically embed careers in the curriculum.
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Central Strategic Careers Leadership (CSCL): Developing approaches to the strategic leadership of careers across trust
This guide explores how the role of the Central Strategic Careers Leader is emerging within trusts, the value of the work on careers within trusts, the value of collaborative working between trusts and Careers Hubs, and employers across the various regions.
Benchmark 1 Webinars
The following webinars have been created to support Careers Leaders to create a strategic careers plan and build a progressive careers programme.
The webinars should be used in conjunction with the Strategic Carers Plan and Building a Stable and Progressive Careers Programme guidance documents.
Black Country Careers Hub SEND resources
The Black Country Careers Hub have developed a number of resources to support those working with young people with SEND in the different settings. Many of these resources are featured in the My Skills My Future programme.
Auditing and planning tools for SEND career provision in mainstream
Developed by Black Country Careers Hub. Here are three resources to support a mainstream setting to audit their careers offer for SEND pupils. Create a SWOT analysis based on the audit, then plan pupil centred interventions to meet the needs of individual pupils.
My Skills My Future
This programme has been collated from resources across our partners and network to support young people with SEND under the 2 groups identified in the SEND toolkit. It contains lessons around employability skill development , employer projects and engagement videos all to support young people in their next steps.
Pathways Posters - My Skills My Future
These posters show potential pathways for young people at the age of 16. Developed with the support of the Birmingham SEND Careers Hub the posters are relevant for those typically not likely to take GCSE (Career Group 1) and those typically likely (Career Group 2).
Compass is a free digital product that helps you quickly and easily evaluate your careers provision against the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
Compass is available to secondary schools, special schools, sixth forms, colleges, PRU’s and ITPs in England.
Evaluation Guide for Careers Activities and Programmes
Developed by the team in Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub, this resource supports Careers Leaders with approaches to feedback and effective evaluation of their careers programme. There is a longer guide for Careers Leader available along with a shorter quick reference version.
Gatsby Benchmark 1 Module 1: Creating a Strategic Careers Plan
The following resource and support are designed to support a Careers Leader to create a strategic careers plan. The resource and support include ‘Building a Strategic Careers Plan’ guidance document and a Careers Leader recorded webinar on this element of Benchmark 1.
Gatsby Benchmark 1 Module 2: Building a progressive careers programme
The following resource and support are designed to support a Careers Leader to build a progressive careers programme. The resource and support include a ‘Building a progressive careers programme’ guidance document and a link to a Careers Leader recorded webinar on this element of Benchmark 1.
Approaches to BM 4 in SEND presentation
This presentation was used in a workshop to support the thinking around the development of BM4 in a SEND setting.
Blueprint: Virtual experience of the workplace
Created by the London team this resource supports thinking around virtual experiences of the workplace for schools and businesses.