Auditing and planning tools for SEND career provision in mainstream

Planning Tools

1. - Mainstream SEND Career Provision Audit Tool - For the CL and SENCO to work through together - 9 steps to audit your current provision. Key questions to audit how inclusive your provision is, all of which is linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks and the SEND Code of practice .

2- Mainstream  SEND Career provision - SWOT Analysis /Action Plan - After completing The SEND careers provision audit you should be able to identify - Strengths , Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and Key action areas to improve SEND career provision.

3 - Mainstream SEND Careers/transition Intervention sheet for pupils . An example pupil career and transition support plan and a blank pupil career and transition support plan. Taken from the new statutory  guidance published 5th January 2023 it states - The Careers Leader should work closely with the relevant teachers and professionals in their school or college, including the Special Educational Needs Coordinator and inclusion teams, and the careers adviser, to identify the guidance needs of all students with SEND and put in place personalised support and a transition plan. This resource will support this.

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