Resources for SEND specialists
The National Careers Strategy makes it clear that all young people should be supported to achieve their optimum career outcome. Therefore, our resources aren’t just for those in SEND-specific settings, they’re also for use within any other setting that includes young people with SEND.

Careers Impact internal leadership review
The Careers Impact internal leadership review supports a quality assured, sustainable and strategic approach to careers leadership.
The review forms part of the Careers Impact System, which is a process that drives continuous improvement in careers education. It sets clearly defined standards as to what good looks like in careers leadership and is directly linked to wider school and college improvement.
SEND Outreach Campaign E Pack
This is the electronic version of the SEND Outreach Campaign. It contains lots of useful resources for Career Leaders in a SEND setting.
Contained in the pack are the following:
- SEND Gatsby Toolkit
- Transform your careers programme - Career Leader training details
- Compass for Special
- Careers Health Checklist
- Same and Different model
SEND Careers Health Checklist
This interactive checklist will support you to think about the Careers provision you have within your SEND setting.
SEND journey/roadmap
Take a step in the right direction: help all stakeholders understand your SEND careers programme by using this template to present it visually.
Approaches to BM 4 in SEND presentation
This presentation was used in a workshop to support the thinking around the development of BM4 in a SEND setting.
Same and Different
Learn more about the various aspects of early career development for 18-year olds with SEND and provide more targeted support with this model.
Pathways Posters - My Skills My Future
These posters show potential pathways for young people at the age of 16. Developed with the support of the Birmingham SEND Careers Hub the posters are relevant for those typically not likely to take GCSE (Career Group 1) and those typically likely (Career Group 2).
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Youth Social Action Toolkit
This toolkit is intended to be simple to use, helping Careers Leaders and others support and develop youth social action. the resource aims to enable more of their young people to be active citizens in their school or college and wider communities.
World Down Syndrome Day Resource Hub
On the 21st March we create a single global voice advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome. This year we want to End The Stereotypes.
Sign up to access our free resources to learn why this message matters and how you can help.
What’s your strength?® - Let’s get started!
An interactive card activity made in collaboration with Skills Builder, Let’s get started! empowers young people to discover their own skills and qualities and realise how amazing they are!
This is a costed resource.
Unifish Website
Unifish is your guide to higher education in London when you need a little more support, brought to you by Aimhigher London. It is a fully searchable and filterable website in multiple ways including by type of support and location.
Unbox Your Future resource
These resources are taken from the Leicester and Leicestershire Business and Skills Partnership’s Unbox Your Future programme, a reimagined workplace experience model.
Transition Guide from Primary to Secondary: enhancing careers education and supporting parental engagement
This resource is designed to support Careers Leaders and other staff involved in the transition process from Key Stage 2 into Key Stage 3, exploring opportunities to embed careers activities and parental engagement across the full range of transition opportunities.
It takes you through the three phases:
- Decision making (Y4,5,6) while children and parents /carers are still considering their options
- Decision made (Y6) once the children have been allocated their secondary school
- Started (Y7) once the children have started their secondary school.
The Skills Suitcase
This resource is designed to help students identify their own skills – as well as the areas where they might need further development – and encourage reflection in a fun and engaging way.
The Careers Podcast
How do you find a job you’ll love? What will it take to land that dream role? How do you discover what your dream job is?
The Careers Podcast interviews people doing all kinds of different jobs, finding out what they do, what they love about it and how they got to where they are now.
Talentino programmes have been helping to improve career outcomes for young people with a range of learning difficulties in a mixture of settings – special schools, mainstream schools, AP, PRU, SEMH, etc.
We are running our annual SEND/Inclusion Careers Conference for free online from 26th to 28th November, register here.
The Big Inclusive SEND Careers Handbook, written by Jenny Connick. Published by Trotman Publishing. View the book and download a sample chapter here!
South Somerset 14-19 Partnership ‘SEND Transitions: Imagine the Possibilities and Making a success of Further Education’
These resources have been developed by South Somerset Partnership as part of a transition project for SEND students. The resources pull together key Preparation for Adulthood information that will enable mainstream, special school and FE Careers Leaders to understand the journey and support available for young people with SEND.
South Somerset 14-19 Partnership ‘Imagine the Possibilities – A Family Guide’
These resources have been developed by South Somerset Partnership to support families of SEND students in understanding what is effective transition and avenues of support.
Skills Builder: Benchmark
Skills Builder Benchmark is an online self-assessment tool. Individuals aged 11+ can register and record their reflections against the Skills Builder Framework.

My Skills My Future
This programme has been collated from resources across our partners and network to support young people with SEND under the 2 groups identified in the SEND toolkit. It contains lessons around employability skill development , employer projects and engagement videos all to support young people in their next steps.