Further Education
We work closely with sector colleagues and sector bodies to ensure these resources are tailored and differentiated to meet your college’s needs.
The Careers & Enterprise Company partnered with CooperGibson Research to carry out this research into careers leadership in colleges. Read the report here.
Careers Impact internal leadership review
The Careers Impact internal leadership review supports a quality assured, sustainable and strategic approach to careers leadership.
The review forms part of the Careers Impact System, which is a process that drives continuous improvement in careers education. It sets clearly defined standards as to what good looks like in careers leadership and is directly linked to wider school and college improvement.
Careerscope - Hospitality Industry Hub
CareerScope is your one-stop-shop for all things careers in the Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Industry.
Our mission is to support people from all backgrounds and ages, attract talent towards the industry, and ultimately, promote hospitality as a great place to work.
Whether you’re a teacher or careers advisor, a student, or a job seeker, we have resources, programmes and support available to help you reach your full potential.
Making encounters meaningful: support for providers
This resource is for providers who deliver encounters in schools, special schools and colleges to support students with learning about all pathways.
In the context of the provider access legislation, a provider is an organisation that offers approved technical education qualifications or their representative, for example an FE college or training provider. The purpose of the resource is to enable providers to effectively engage with schools, special schools and colleges to deliver encounters that have an impact on students and are aligned with the institution’s wider careers education programme.
School roadmap/college roadmap
Understand the role of Careers Leader, and the support offered through our Enterprise Adviser Network, by following our roadmaps for success.
Careers Provision in Colleges: What Works? (2018)
This paper provides evidence for effective career guidance within the Further Education (FE) sector. The evidence can be used by colleges of all types and providers of career and enterprise programmes when considering supporting young people with careers activities.
Understanding the role of the Careers Leader: A guide for colleges
The government's Careers Strategy means that all schools and colleges should have a named Careers Leader in place by September 2018. This guide for colleges explains what careers leadership in colleges looks like and how it could be led and managed within your college.
Careers Leader training
Transform your careers programme and develop your skills as a Careers Leader to strategically embed careers in the curriculum.
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The evidence on careers events. What works?
This report presents the evidence on the operation and impact of careers events held in UK schools and colleges.
Personal Guidance. What Works?
This research features what works in the provision of personal guidance in schools and colleges and to identify the impact on young people.
Involving young people in volunteering. What works?
This paper provides evidence on the benefits of involving young people in volunteering. Schools, colleges and providers of careers and enterprise programmes can use this evidence when considering how to support young people in this area.
Securing Good Transitions: A resource pack to support the next steps of Key Stage 4 pupils with SEND
This resource pack has been developed by DFN Charitable Foundation and Whole School SEND. The pack provides support, materials and practical tips to teachers and other school-based professionals to secure good transitions and destinations into the next stage of education and/or employment for Key Stage 4 Pupils with SEND.
PMLD World of Work Lesson Ideas
Developed by Black Country Careers Hub.
A sensory pack of career lesson ideas for PMLD Learners for them to explore the world of work.
Passport to Hospitality
Developed by Inspiring Worcestershire.
Passport to Hospitality has been designed with the student’s progression at the forefront. This brilliant project will take students on a tour around the Hospitality industry, learning about not only what services are classed as hospitality, it's history but what careers and entry level roles are available within the sector.
LLEP Employer Engagement Guide
Developed by the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership the purpose of this guide is to help your school or college to build long-lasting relationships with local businesses to enhance the interventions your students receive throughout their time at your establishment.
KS3 Maths in the curriculum resource
Developed by the Careers Hub Team in East Sussex in conjunction with a maths specialist this resource contains 15 lesson plans and accompanying resources to support embedding maths within the Maths curriculum.
Key Facts About Independent Training Providers
The Key Stats publication contains a useful and informative overview of the Independent Training Provider sector and has been provided by the Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP).
Inspire Programme
Developed by The Leeds Trinity University.
The Inspire Programme provides activities and resources to support teachers and advisers in working towards the Gatsby benchmarks.
Fulfilling Futures
Developed in collaboration by Complete Careers LLP and Greenwood Academies Trust.
This resource is to help learners to prepare for the challenge ahead from education to employment in a competitive job market. This is primarily an information resource with links to activities, videos, and further reading. It has skills and activities logs, a checklist, and an action plan at the end of the resource to record progress. It is designed for independent use either in school or at home.
EmployAbility Leisure Guides
EmployAbility Leisure is an initiative by Aspire (EmployAbility Leisure) to create more accessible and inclusive training and workplace environments for disabled people in the fitness and leisure sector. Evidence-based guidance published as a result for disabled people, training providers and employers is available for free, instant download here.
Careers Guidance
Resources for College Careers Leaders - AoC
The Careers & Enterprise Company are working with the Association of Colleges to provide resources, webinars and information for the leaders, governors and careers guidance professionals in the FE sector to help support colleges with their careers guidance offer.