Education Leaders
At The Careers & Enterprise Company, we can help you prepare all young people for the fast-changing world of work with our expertise, experience, free tools, resources and ecosystem of support –becoming an extension of your team to add value to your careers offering and support positive futures for all students. We’re ready when you are.
Subscribe to our Education Leader Careers Digest to enjoy updates on our latest developments and policy considerations. We'll bring you a carefully curated email three times during the academic year, designed to help support strategic careers planning in your school, special school or college. Register here.
Online training modules
Our free online learning modules, hosted on our digital hub, help key education stakeholders to better understand the value of careers leadership, the careers education landscape, understand the role and value of a Careers Leader and how subject teachers can contribute to good careers education. Access training modules specific for Education Leaders and Governors here.
Careers Impact internal leadership review
The Careers Impact internal leadership review supports a quality assured, sustainable and strategic approach to careers leadership.
The review forms part of the Careers Impact System, which is a process that drives continuous improvement in careers education. It sets clearly defined standards as to what good looks like in careers leadership and is directly linked to wider school and college improvement.
Guide for Education Leaders in schools and colleges
For Education Leaders, highlighting priority areas to maximise the impact of careers and the support and resources available.
Ofsted - Education Inspection Framework Guide
This guide is for school leaders and careers leaders to support preparation for the Education Inspection Framework (2019). The guide also provides Enterprise Advisers and Governors with key questions to support strategic careers planning.
Careers Leader training
Transform your careers programme and develop your skills as a Careers Leader to strategically embed careers in the curriculum.
Careers guidance and access for education and training providers
In this resource you can find the link to the Statutory Guidance and the CEC at a glance guide to the guidance for schools and college leaders.
Impact Evaluation Toolkit Guidance Document
This is a resource for Careers Leaders, and their colleagues, in schools, special schools and colleges to evaluate the impact of career programmes.
Gatsby Benchmark 1 Module 1: Creating a Strategic Careers Plan
The following resource and support are designed to support a Careers Leader to create a strategic careers plan. The resource and support include ‘Building a Strategic Careers Plan’ guidance document and a Careers Leader recorded webinar on this element of Benchmark 1.
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Parental Engagement: Prompts - Adapting student careers opportunities
Parents can add value to the careers conversations we have in school, special school or college, by continuing these conversations at home. But in order to do this effectively, they need to be:
Parental engagement in National Apprenticeship Week
During National Apprenticeship Week this year, consider including parents in the activities taking place. Here are some resources to support with this.
Parental Engagement: KS4-5 Students careers conversations activity
An activity to give students the confidence to initiate careers conversations at home.
Parental Engagement: Students Careers Presentation
A flexible PowerPoint presentation template to introduce careers and education options to students and demonstrate the role their parents can play in their decision making. Includes homework activity for KS3-4 students.
Parental Engagement: Career Adviser Parents' Meeting
An activity which builds on students’ first one-to-one meeting with the Careers Adviser, with a second meeting between the Careers Adviser, the student and their parents.
Parental Engagement: Employer Panel
A Q&A session with a panel of employers to encourage parents to explore careers relating to a particular subject, skill or industry area with their child.
Parental Engagement: Action Planning
A low-pressure session where families complete the Family action plan or Pathway planner with support from school or college staff.
Parental Engagement: Inspiration and Upskilling - Building a skills challenge
A family teamwork challenge to explore how different skills and strengths can suit a range of career and education options.
Parental Engagement: Inspiration and upskilling - conversation starters
An informal activity to help parents and students discuss skills and careers options with support from school/college.
Parental Engagement: A Family Quiz Event
A fun quiz to familiarise families with information about careers and education options.
Parental Engagement: Parents Careers Presentation
A flexible PowerPoint presentation to introduce careers and education options to parents from Year 7 onwards.
Parental Engagement: Parents Evening Appointments
Re-orienting the usual parents’ evening to offer an opportunity to discuss education and careers choices as well as progression. Includes preparation activity for parents who need more support.
FREE online learning
Education Leader: Careers Awareness
Education Leaders: Introduction to careers
This course supports Education Leaders in exploring the value of careers education; the benefits for young people, and its contribution towards meeting school, special school, and college strategic priorities.