How can we live smarter?


Students will consider how humans have transformed the world around them and what the future might hold for the planet Earth and the people who inhabit it. Discovering how new technology and innovations could improve the quality of our lives as well as the world we live in. From creating a game to save water at home, to investigating how we can use our living space more efficiently.  

Each activity identifies 2 to 3 essential employability skills as recognised by the Skills Builder Partnership. All activities provide extension and differentiation ideas, ensuring they are suitable for all abilities. The free downloadable booklet contains guidance notes for the educator and the students making it easy to use, no matter the experience or background of the deliverer.  

Participating in these activities will broaden understanding and awareness of STEM subjects, stretch capabilities and enhance key employability skills. Enabling students to feel a sense of achievement, improved confidence and able to link STEM subjects with desired employment attributes. 

The booklet can be used to support Gatsby careers benchmarks. The activities enable students to explore STEM subjects whilst gaining valuable transferable key skills sort by future employers. Fully supported by the Skills Builder Partnership the activities provide opportunities to build on recognised skills:


  • Listening – ability to listen and understand information
  • Speaking – vocal communication of information or ideas.

Creative Problem solving

  • Problem Solving – ability to find a solution to a complex situation or challenge
  • Creativity – use of imagination and the generation of new ideas.


  • Staying Positive – ability to use tactics to overcome setbacks and achieve goals
  • Aiming High – ability to set clear, tangible goals and devise a robust route to achieving them.


  • Leadership – supporting, encouraging and motivating others to achieve a shared goal
  • Teamwork – working cooperatively with others towards achieving a shared goal.


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