Employer engagement

Gatsby BM3
Key stages


YourGamePlan is a free online learning platform designed to help young people transition from school to the workplace, and widen their understanding of the career opportunities available to them.

Gatsby BM1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Key stages

Transition Guide from Primary to Secondary: enhancing careers education and supporting parental engagement

This resource is designed to support Careers Leaders and other staff involved in the transition process from Key Stage 2 into Key Stage 3, exploring opportunities to embed careers activities and parental engagement across the full range of transition opportunities.

It takes you through the three phases:

  1. Decision making (Y4,5,6) while children and parents /carers are still considering their options
  2. Decision made (Y6) once the children have been allocated their secondary school
  3. Started (Y7) once the children have started their secondary school.
Gatsby BM1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Key stages


Talentino programmes have been helping to improve career outcomes for young people with a range of learning difficulties in a mixture of settings – special schools, mainstream schools, AP, PRU, SEMH, etc.

They also provide great opportunities for learning more, through their regular newsletters, annual SEND Careers Conference, and by publishing free resources.

Gatsby BM7
Key stages

T Levels Resource

T Levels are a qualification choice that will follow GCSEs and give students a head start towards the career they want. They will suit students who wish to start working towards a skilled occupation, prefer a practical approach to learning and want a predominantly classroom-based course.

Gatsby BM1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Key stages

My Skills My Future

This programme has been collated from resources across our partners and network to support young people with SEND under the 2 groups identified in the SEND toolkit. It contains lessons around employability skill development , employer projects and engagement videos all to support young people in their next steps.

Gatsby BM4
Key stages

Inspire students with career volunteers that are ‘Making the Most of Transitions’

We know that transition is a moment for students to build and take ownership of those key life skills of resilience, confidence, independent learning, positivity and managing change. Bring a careers lens to these important skills that are not just important for transition and for life, but are essential skills for the world of work.


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