Employer engagement

Gatsby BM4
Key stages

Careers in Psychiatry

Interested in a career in psychiatry? This guide and video will tell you everything you need to know about this fascinating profession, including what to expect from the role, the training pathways and different specialisms. 

Gatsby BM6
Key stages

Intern Video Resource

The Careers & Enterprise Company hosted two students from School21 as interns as part of the Real World Learning Programme. As the first ever year 10 interns, Adil and Uyiosa bring to you their video resource on what young people want to know learn and experience when transitioning from education to the world of work. 

Gatsby BM3
Key stages


InterviewBot is an automated interview practice resource for schools and colleges, using real life avatars as interviewers.  This resource prepares students for their first real life interviews but does so in a safe environment where they can grow their confidence.

This resource offers a free trial and option of costed subscription.

Gatsby BM3
Key stages

South Somerset 14-19 Partnership ‘SEND Transitions: Imagine the Possibilities and Making a success of Further Education’

These resources have been developed by South Somerset Partnership as part of a transition project for SEND students. The resources pull together key Preparation for Adulthood information that will enable mainstream, special school and FE Careers Leaders to understand the journey and support available for young people with SEND. 

Gatsby BM2, 5, 7
Key stages

Fulfilling Futures

Developed in collaboration by Complete Careers LLP and Greenwood Academies Trust.

This resource is to help learners to prepare for the challenge ahead from education to employment in a competitive job market.  This is primarily an information resource with links to activities, videos, and further reading.  It has skills and activities logs, a checklist, and an action plan at the end of the resource to record progress.  It is designed for independent use either in school or at home.

Gatsby BM5
Key stages

Employer Prospectus

This Employer Prospectus was developed by Featherstone High School to give employers and education/training providers an overview of opportunities for engagement in the upcoming academic year.

The Employer Prospectus is uploaded to the school's dedicated careers webpage, and printed copies are also distributed after events at the school.


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