Employer engagement

Gatsby BM2, 4
Key stages

Minerals Matter

As the UK’s largest manufacturing industry, quarrying and mineral products are essential to our everyday lives. Without them you don’t have buildings, transport, technology, furniture or everyday household items.

This resources helps you to find out about routes into the industry, job roles, what to expect and the opportunity to talk directly to employers about different job roles on offer.

Gatsby BM2, 4, 5, 7

Into Games

Look through over 100 careers in the games industry, with information on educational routes, links to further learning and interviews with professional staff.

Gatsby BM3
Key stages


InterviewBot is an automated interview practice resource for schools and colleges, using real life avatars as interviewers.  This resource prepares students for their first real life interviews but does so in a safe environment where they can grow their confidence.

This resource offers a free trial and option of costed subscription.

Gatsby BM6
Key stages

Intern Video Resource

The Careers & Enterprise Company hosted two students from School21 as interns as part of the Real World Learning Programme. As the first ever year 10 interns, Adil and Uyiosa bring to you their video resource on what young people want to know learn and experience when transitioning from education to the world of work. 

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