Employer engagement

Gatsby BM5, 6
Key stages

Inclusion mag for Employers

The Careermag for Inclusion series is designed for employers who do not currently work with young people with SEND. It showcases case studies of success to inspire employers to get involved and highlights the benefits for the young people and for the business.

Gatsby BM7, 8
Key stages

Exploring University

Developed by Inspiring Worcestershire.

In this document you will be able to understand which are the leading universities locally, the degrees which are most popular, as well as the degrees which have the highest success rates in terms of securing future employment.

The guide also provides details of the leading universities which specialise in degrees relating to certain sectors.

Gatsby BM4
Key stages

Careers in Psychiatry

Interested in a career in psychiatry? This guide and video will tell you everything you need to know about this fascinating profession, including what to expect from the role, the training pathways and different specialisms. 


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