Employer engagement

Gatsby BM4
Key stages

Global STEM Awards

Motivate - Inspire - Reward

The Global STEM Awards scheme rewards students for completing STEM activities and provides a framework to encourage higher levels of engagement in learning. Alongside completing their STEM activities children are asked to think globally and find out about careers linked to the activity.

Gatsby BM3, 8
Key stages

Globally Responsible Careers in STEM

‘Globally Responsible Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics’ (GRC-STEM) – will help the growing number of job-seekers looking for employment with organisations that prioritise sustainable and ethical concerns.

This online resource asks each individual a series of questions concerning:

  1. Their personal requirements from a career and considering their interests in science and technology;
  2. The type of work they are interested in; and
  3. Their ethical concerns, bearing in mind the global issues that face society.
Gatsby BM2, 3, 4
Key stages

How can we live smarter?

How can we live smarter? is a collection of practical STEM subject activities linked to employability skills. Students will consider how humans have transformed the world around them and what the future might hold for the planet Earth and the people who inhabit it. Discovering how new technology and innovations could improve the quality of our lives as well as the world we live in. From creating a game to save water at home, to investigating how we can use our living space more efficiently.  

Gatsby BM2, 5, 6, 7, 8
Key stages

Immerse Education

Immerse Education offers two week programmes in academic subject development with tutors from the University of Oxford and Cambridge. These take place as a residential programme in July and August, with accommodation provided at the universities, and a full programme of support academic and social activities.

There are also options to take part virtually, with an Online Academic Insights programme that runs for two weeks in December, April and throughout July and August. Although this is a fee-paying programme, we have bursaries available, and offer scholarships based on an essay competition open to all students aged 13-18.

Gatsby BM6
Key stages

Intern Video Resource

The Careers & Enterprise Company hosted two students from School21 as interns as part of the Real World Learning Programme. As the first ever year 10 interns, Adil and Uyiosa bring to you their video resource on what young people want to know learn and experience when transitioning from education to the world of work. 

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