Globally Responsible Careers in STEM

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The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are used as the key ‘Issues’ of global responsibility, and personal reflection on these identifies how important each are to the individual. These are then linked to a range of careers paths within GRC-STEM.

From this assessment the job-seeker can compile a set of personal ‘Career Principles’. These encompass what is important to the individual when contemplating a Globally Responsible Career in STEM, for example: What job options will I consider? What is my responsibility? What would I / would I not compromise on?

GRC-STEM also provides case studies of inspirational careers to demonstrate some of the options available that can lead to success.

All these resources are available on the SGR website and are free to access for individuals reflecting on their career choices, educators at all levels, and professional careers advisors. They can be used online – and can also be downloaded as pdfs – for use in one-to-one careers sessions, assemblies or careers events.

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