Teacher Resources


Check out our new courses for teachers, 'Understanding Pathways' and 'Careers in the Curriculum Awareness'. These short courses are designed to support subject teachers in understanding the role they play in careers education and how they can help young people to achieve their best next step.

teacher presenting
Here are some of the most popular resources available.

Curriculum Resources

My Learning My Future

My Learning, My Future is a suite of resources to support subject teaching staff, from 27 subjects at KS3, KS4 & Post 16, to engage students in curriculum learning by highlighting the relevance of their subjects to future careers, opportunities and pathways.

My Skills My Future

This programme has been collated from resources across our partners and network to support young people with SEND under the 2 groups identified in the SEND toolkit. It contains lessons around employability skill development , employer projects and engagement videos all to support young people in their next steps.

My Journey My Future

This programme is focused on the different stages of transition experienced by young people on the journey from education to the world of work. The materials provided by our partners consist of lesson materials, pathways information and engagement videos.

icon of 2 signs pointing in different directions


Understand all Pathways

We have collated key resource and support for you to ensure that all students, staff and parents/carers are informed about and understand all pathways.

Technical Education

These resources will support you in promoting the wide range of technical education pathways which are available for young people. 

Vocational Pathways

These resources have been developed as part of a transition project based on four growth areas.

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