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Keyword(s): research

Gatsby BM4
Key stages

Careers in the curriculum. What works?

The Gatsby report identified eight benchmarks of good career guidance, one of which was linking curriculum to careers. Careers in the curriculum describes a range of interventions which allow students to encounter career learning as part of their everyday school curriculum, but what impact is it having and what are the lessons for best practice?

Gatsby BM2, 3, 4, 5, 7
Key stages

Futurum Careers: Online Resource and Magazine

Futurum Careers is a free online resource and magazine aimed at introducing 14-19-year-olds worldwide to the world of work in STEM (science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine) and SHAPE (social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy). We collaborate with academics all over the world and translate their research into education and careers resources that can be used in the classroom, at home and in STEM and SHAPE clubs.

Gatsby BM1, 3, 4, 7
Key stages

Why It Matters

The Why It Matters resources developed by the team at Loughborough University are designed to help students to understand where studying different subjects (both post 16 and post 18) might lead.

Gatsby BM1, 2, 3, 4, 8
Key stages


Whole-School Careers Guidance Platform with research tools to help students age 11 upwards discover the world of work and pathways forward. Morrisby contains the most advanced psychometric assessments and comprehensive tools to make Compass+ and Gatsby tracking easier.

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