Whether you are volunteering with a school or college or are developing your business’s approach to education outreach then you can find helpful resources below. Use the filters to surface the most appropriate material.
Education Landscape: A guide for Employers
Resources for employers to access a single source of truth which makes the education and skills landscape easier to navigate.
Experiences of the Workplace (BM6) Step by step guide for Employers
Developed in partnership with Careermap, these resources contain all the information employers need to offer experiences of the workplace to young people.
Resources include a webinar and slide deck to support employer understanding.
Inclusion mag for Employers
The Careermag for Inclusion series is designed for employers who do not currently work with young people with SEND. It showcases case studies of success to inspire employers to get involved and highlights the benefits for the young people and for the business.
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DMA Talent: Autism Employers guide
DMA Talent’s Neurodiversity Initiative has worked alongside experts, brands and leading industry figures, some with neurodevelopmental conditions themselves, to define best practice and develop a forum where businesses can discuss neurodiversity.
DMA Talent: Dyslexia Employers guide
To help employers understand dyslexia, how to treat employees as individuals, and how to make reasonable adjustments for them so they can thrive in the workplace, we’ve collaborated alongside the DM Trust and specialists to create a detailed guide.
Cornerstone Employer Working Together Kit
You have made a commitment to support this work and your stakeholders want to hear about the work you are undertaking. We have created a communications pack that not only provides the tools and support you need but shares ways in which you can use them to further develop your profile as a leading voice in building the workforce of tomorrow.
Our Working Together Kit will provide practical ideas and examples that you can adopt to share your innovation and good practice.
World Down Syndrome Day Resource Hub
On the 21st March we create a single global voice advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome. This year we want to End The Stereotypes.
Sign up to access our free resources to learn why this message matters and how you can help.
AutonoMe Supported Employment and Independent Living
AutonoMe uses the power of personalised human support combined with technology to enable neurodiverse people and those with learning disabilities to gain employment and develop skills for independent living.
This is a costed resource with possible funding streams identified.
Get Set Progress - Internship Programme
Get Set Progress run by Thomas Pocklington Trust (TPT), provides paid internships for blind and partially sighted people (over the age of 18) to secure that first run on the career ladder or who are returning to work following a career break.
Cornerstone Employer Flyer
A flyer to provide information for others considering the Cornerstone Employer role.
Cornerstone Employer Logo
Logo to be included in Cornerstone Employers' email signature and website.
Cornerstone Employer Template Message for All Staff
Some suggested messaging for when you are announcing your Cornerstone Employer role internally
Cornerstone Employer Slide Templates
Three template slides about the role and getting others involved.
Cornerstone Employer Template Text for Reports
Some suggested messaging for inclusion in reports.
Cornerstone Employer Template Text for Websites
Some suggested messaging for when you are announcing your Cornerstone Employer role on your website.

Supporting Employers
Working with Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Step by step resources to support Employers and Enterprise Advisers when working with young people with SEND. Designed to increase levels of confidence in providing experiences and encounters of work, these resources will not only benefit young people with SEND, but also your business and workforce.
An Employer’s guide to supporting STEM careers education in England
This Employer’s guide to STEM careers education explains how employer engagement can support secondary schools and colleges in England to deliver high-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers education.
Access the resource here.