Effective employer mentoring
Related resources
Making it meaningful
Our overview and check list to help Career Leaders ensure each encounter or experience is meaningful for all participants.
My Learning My Future: Textiles
My Learning, My Future is a suite of resources that has been developed in partnership with The Careers and Enterprise Company and Skills Builder to help you speak confidently about careers related to your subject as well as the various pathways and skills needed by employers.
Transitions Guide: Started (Yr 7)
We look at the range of activities you may choose to do as part of this phase of the transition programme.
Including: introductory careers lessons; Children’s University; Settling-in Evening opportunities; Extended opportunities; Baselining; Website.
Careers Education Framework
National charity Ambitious about Autism has produced autism-specific resources to help careers leaders and professionals deliver effective careers education programmes for autistic young people.
The Careers Education Framework has free, easy-to-follow online resources to support autistic young people in mainstream and specialist educational settings successfully transition into adulthood and employment.