Employer engagement in careers education: Insights 2020/21
Related resources
Gatsby BM1, 3, 4
Key stages
Spending Sense
Developed by the Black Country Careers Hub this resource is part of the My Skills My Future programme and contains Slide deck, teacher guidance and students resource pack suitable for young people in SEND group 1.
Gatsby BM1
Providing an effective careers programme: the role of governing boards
Supporting young people to make informed choices about their future is an important responsibility for schools and their governing boards.
Gatsby BM1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Key stages
Compass is a free digital product that helps you quickly and easily evaluate your careers provision against the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
Compass is available to secondary schools, special schools, sixth forms, colleges, PRU’s and ITPs in England.
Gatsby BM1, 3, 7
Key stages
UCAS virtual tours
Give students a clear insight into what university life might look like, with these immersive virtual tours.