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Careers CEIAG for SEND
We specialise in empowering young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to realise their career aspirations. Our mission is to ensure every young person has the support and guidance they need to pursue their dreams, no matter the challenges they face.
Future Skills Questionnaire
The Future Skills Questionnaire (FSQ) is a tool to measure learners’ career-readiness.
FSQ covers key aspects of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are important for successful transitions.
Digdata - Classroom Resources & Virtual Work Experience
Bring virtual work experience into your maths classroom!
We have collaborated with employers including Capital One, CACI, Experian, and Facebook to bring you this brilliant collection of FREE KS3/4 resources.
Check out our live and upcoming events!
FES Connect - Films
To celebrate careers excellence in colleges, we have made a series of films celebrating innovation and variety around the country.
KS3 Science Careers in the Curriculum
Developed by the Careers Hub team in East Sussex in conjunction with a Science specialist, this resource contains 14 lesson plans and accompanying resources to support embedding careers within the Science curriculum.
Pfizer Breakthrough Science curriculum resources
These 4 curriculum resources alongside video content of diverse stories, skills and career journeys of working in STEM bring science to life in the classroom.
Technology for CYP with a vision impairment
These Technology pages produced by Thomas Pocklington Trust by staff with lived experience of a vision impairment show what can be achieved with technology adaptations.
Neurodiversity in the Workplace- a guide for employers
A detailed guide for employers on strategies to support employees who are neurodiverse. Evidence based ideas and suggested adjustments so that all employees can thrive and add value to their workplace.
My Journey, My Future
This programme is focused on the different stages of transition experienced by young people on the journey from education to the world of work.
Amazing Apprenticeships - Find an apprenticeship Guide
This guide provides step-by-step support in how to set up an account on Find an apprenticeship, which is the government apprenticeship vacancy service advertising over 20,000 apprenticeship vacancies a year. Download this guide to support students or individuals to create an account and start searching and applying for apprenticeships.
Career Guides - Youth Employment UK
Youth Employment UK’s Career Guides are perfect for young people to get a taste of what different careers involve, how to get into various roles, and support them with exploring options that interest them!
Virtual Work Experience - Youth Employment UK
Explore Youth Employment UK’s Virtual Work Experience Programmes, designed to introduce young people to the world of work.