Employer engagement

Gatsby BM3
Key stages

Working with Autism

This resource has been created by Doncaster College and University Centre.

It takes key information from the SPELL Framework developed by The National Autistic Society as a starting point.

Gatsby BM1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
Key stages

Work It series

Developed by the The Careers & Enterprise Company, Work It is a series of careers talks with young people, for young people. 


Wider Education Workforce Course

This short course is designed to highlight how the wider education workforce play a key role in supporting young people to make informed choices about their best next step and potential career pathway. 

When referring to the ‘wider education workforce’ we include those in roles such as pastoral within education and those who support young people through other relationships such as social workers, case workers, youth workers and specialist support. 

Gatsby BM1, 3, 4, 7
Key stages

Why It Matters

The Why It Matters resources developed by the team at Loughborough University are designed to help students to understand where studying different subjects (both post 16 and post 18) might lead.

Gatsby BM4
Key stages

Where Maths meets the world of work

The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) have created a suite of resources, enabling Maths teachers to link curriculum learning to careers. Included is an exciting set of videos, which showcase the maths elements in different careers. Each video is paired with a related activity, for students to get a real taste of what the career may entail.

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