Employer engagement

Gatsby BM1, 3
Key stages

Engaging parents in careers guidance: Innovations in practice

Parents and carers play an important part in the careers and education choices of young people. The Gatsby Foundation and The Careers and Enterprise Company have worked with Careers Leaders to explore ideas and good practice for working with parents in these challenging times.

NEW added 10th July 3 guides to support induction, transition and beyond.

Gatsby BM4
Key stages

Careers Posters

Posters can really brighten up any classroom, department, corridor or student social area and help bring careers information to students in a bright and colourful way leaving them with a lasting impression and a point of reference during their time in school.

Gatsby BM2, 5, 7
Key stages

Fulfilling Futures

Developed in collaboration by Complete Careers LLP and Greenwood Academies Trust.

This resource is to help learners to prepare for the challenge ahead from education to employment in a competitive job market.  This is primarily an information resource with links to activities, videos, and further reading.  It has skills and activities logs, a checklist, and an action plan at the end of the resource to record progress.  It is designed for independent use either in school or at home.


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