Employer engagement

Gatsby BM7
Key stages

Unifish Website

Unifish is your guide to higher education in London when you need a little more support, brought to you by Aimhigher London. It is a fully searchable and filterable website in multiple ways including by type of support and location.

Gatsby BM2
Key stages

The Careers Podcast

How do you find a job you’ll love? What will it take to land that dream role? How do you discover what your dream job is?

The Careers Podcast interviews people doing all kinds of different jobs, finding out what they do, what they love about it and how they got to where they are now.  

Gatsby BM1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Key stages


Talentino programmes have been helping to improve career outcomes for young people with a range of learning difficulties in a mixture of settings – special schools, mainstream schools, AP, PRU, SEMH, etc.

They also provide great opportunities for learning more, through their regular newsletters, annual SEND Careers Conference, and by publishing free resources.

Gatsby BM3
Key stages

South Somerset 14-19 Partnership ‘SEND Transitions: Imagine the Possibilities and Making a success of Further Education’

These resources have been developed by South Somerset Partnership as part of a transition project for SEND students. The resources pull together key Preparation for Adulthood information that will enable mainstream, special school and FE Careers Leaders to understand the journey and support available for young people with SEND. 

Gatsby BM2, 3, 4, 6
Key stages

PMLD World of Work Lesson Ideas

Developed by Black Country Careers Hub.

A sensory pack of career lesson ideas for PMLD Learners for them to explore the world of work. The suite of lesson ideas focuses on the experience gained through completing activities as opposed to the “end product” that is produced. It focuses upon developing children’s communication, engagement and experiences of the world of work.


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