Employer engagement

Gatsby BM4
Key stages

Where Maths meets the world of work

The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) have created a suite of resources, enabling Maths teachers to link curriculum learning to careers. Included is an exciting set of videos, which showcase the maths elements in different careers. Each video is paired with a related activity, for students to get a real taste of what the career may entail.

Gatsby BM4, 5
Key stages

IGD Educator Hub

Our free lesson plans, activities and videos will develop students’ employability skills to help them prepare for the world of work and increase students’ awareness of the variety of roles within the food and grocery industry.

Gatsby BM4
Key stages

Global STEM Awards

Motivate - Inspire - Reward

The Global STEM Awards scheme rewards students for completing STEM activities and provides a framework to encourage higher levels of engagement in learning. Alongside completing their STEM activities children are asked to think globally and find out about careers linked to the activity.

Gatsby BM2, 4
Key stages


Inspiring Tomorrow's Engineers 

Our ambition is to inform and inspire young people and grow the number and diversity of tomorrow’s engineers. We support employers and the wider engineering community to achieve this collective aim and engage directly with schools via our outreach programmes.

Check out some of our resources here!

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