Cornerstone Employer Group Case Studies - Dorset

Case Study


  • We aimed to provide stakeholders with confidence about T-Levels as an entirely new qualification.
  • We wanted to demonstrate how the increased requirements for work experience placements can be met by a supportive employer such as  J.P. Morgan.
  • We brought together different groups and stakeholders to improve progress against the Gatsby Benchmarks.
  • We highlighted the need for schools to be given the option to share new courses with other institutions, in line with the Provider Access Statement.
  • This employer collaboration will improve outcomes for young people who have a preference for a vocational route, whilst working long-term towards plugging skills gaps in our local economy.


“This pilot has shown how T levels can create stronger links with local businesses in Dorset as well as providing opportunities for students to develop their skills for the growing digital economy.”


Top tips
  • Other Cornerstone Employers in the group are looking at how they can support T Levels including with digital work experience if legislation limits the age of placements.
  • Through involvement in a new local steering group and Pan Dorset T Levels group we continue to support local schools and employers in sharing knowledge and experience about T Levels as they develop.

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