Employer engagement

Gatsby BM3
Key stages

South Somerset 14-19 Partnership ‘SEND Transitions: Imagine the Possibilities and Making a success of Further Education’

These resources have been developed by South Somerset Partnership as part of a transition project for SEND students. The resources pull together key Preparation for Adulthood information that will enable mainstream, special school and FE Careers Leaders to understand the journey and support available for young people with SEND. 

Gatsby BM2, 3, 8
Key stages

Spark+ Careers Service for SEND

SPARK+ is a unique service that combines the Spark Careers App with 1:1 CEIAG education delivered by our team of specialist SEND-trained careers advisors. The service is specifically designed to support students with SEND, home-educated students, and those who cannot access mainstream careers guidance.

Gatsby BM3, 4
Key stages

My Employment Passport

My Employment Passport, winner of the CDI's Post-16 Career Programme of the Year 2022, is a 30-module course that raises the employment aspirations for young people with additional needs whilst inspiring their teachers, tutors, supporters, parents, and future employers too. 


Gatsby BM4
Key stages

Careers Posters

Posters can really brighten up any classroom, department, corridor or student social area and help bring careers information to students in a bright and colourful way leaving them with a lasting impression and a point of reference during their time in school.

Gatsby BM2, 3, 4, 6
Key stages

PMLD World of Work Lesson Ideas

Developed by Black Country Careers Hub.

A sensory pack of career lesson ideas for PMLD Learners for them to explore the world of work. The suite of lesson ideas focuses on the experience gained through completing activities as opposed to the “end product” that is produced. It focuses upon developing children’s communication, engagement and experiences of the world of work.

Gatsby BM3, 4
Key stages

Spending Sense - SEND Resource

Developed by Young Money (part of Young Enterprise) this resource aims to develop young people's understanding of managing their money, making financial decisions, staying safe online and the world of work. 

This is an essential resource as it is specifically designed to ensure that pupils with mild to moderate special educational needs are given the opportunity to develop financial capability. 

Gatsby BM1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Key stages

Transition Guide from Primary to Secondary: enhancing careers education and supporting parental engagement

This resource is designed to support Careers Leaders and other staff involved in the transition process from Key Stage 2 into Key Stage 3, exploring opportunities to embed careers activities and parental engagement across the full range of transition opportunities.

It takes you through the three phases:

  1. Decision making (Y4,5,6) while children and parents /carers are still considering their options
  2. Decision made (Y6) once the children have been allocated their secondary school
  3. Started (Y7) once the children have started their secondary school.
Gatsby BM3
Key stages

Working with Autism

This resource has been created by Doncaster College and University Centre.

It takes key information from the SPELL Framework developed by The National Autistic Society as a starting point.


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