Employer engagement

Gatsby BM3
Key stages

EmployAbility Leisure Guides

EmployAbility Leisure is an initiative by Aspire (EmployAbility Leisure) to create more accessible and inclusive training and workplace environments for disabled people in the fitness and leisure sector. Evidence-based guidance published as a result for disabled people, training providers and employers is available for free, instant download here.

Gatsby BM4
Key stages

Careers in Psychiatry

Interested in a career in psychiatry? This guide and video will tell you everything you need to know about this fascinating profession, including what to expect from the role, the training pathways and different specialisms. 

Gatsby BM5, 6
Key stages

IGD Work Experience week

If you are interested in helping your students learn about the food and grocery industry, we would recommend IGD Feeding Britains Futures. It is a free initiative that brings the industry together to develop students’ employability skills and learn about the wide range of roles in the industry.  

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