Employer engagement

Gatsby BM2, 3, 4
Key stages

Careers Education Resources: Apprenticeships and Technical Education

A range of e-learning bitesize resources supporting educators and careers leaders to inspire students to choose technical education and apprenticeships as prestigious career pathways. With a focus on STEM, future skills and priority skill areas, whether it’s general TVET careers education and information you are looking to provide, or sector and industry specific, our module and video resources are easy to use and take between 25-45 minutes to complete.

Gatsby BM3, 8
Key stages

Globally Responsible Careers in STEM

‘Globally Responsible Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics’ (GRC-STEM) – will help the growing number of job-seekers looking for employment with organisations that prioritise sustainable and ethical concerns.

This online resource asks each individual a series of questions concerning:

  1. Their personal requirements from a career and considering their interests in science and technology;
  2. The type of work they are interested in; and
  3. Their ethical concerns, bearing in mind the global issues that face society.

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