Careers in the Transport Sector SEND activity
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Gatsby BM2, 3, 4
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Famous People Activity (SEND)
Developed by the Inspiring Worcestershire Careers Hub team this activity has been designed to accompany activities around raising aspirations along with exploring career choices for SEND students.
Gatsby BM1, 3
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Journey/roadmap (Learner Journey)
Make sure everyone knows which way you’re heading: ensure all stakeholders understand your careers programme by using these templates to present it in a visual way.
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Worked example of a Careers programme linked to example strategic objectives
An example of how you can link a school or college recovery plan or overarching strategic objectives to a careers programme.
Gatsby BM3, 4, 5
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SEND Guess my job activity
Developed by the Inspiring Worcestershire Careers Hub team this resource is aimed at settings with young people with SEND.