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Routes of Entry into Construction - Construction needs to recruit over 53,000 new entrants each year to maintain output and employers across the supply chain are keen to support young people to choose a career in the sector. Although the routes of entry into the industry can be complex and confusing, employers that understand them are well placed to offer opportunities and recruit their future pipeline of skills.
We know that not all businesses can take on an apprentice but there are many other ways to reach out to the next generation and every employer can play their part by providing a work placement, sponsorship or employment to those still in education or looking to secure their first job.
Routes of Entry into Construction in Scotland - A guide, published by Build UK, setting out the routes of entry into construction for young people attending or leaving school in Scotland, including apprenticeships, college and university, and how they might suit different employers looking to support young people in Scotland to choose a career in the industry.
The Scottish construction sector needs to recruit over 20,000 new entrants each year to maintain output, and employers that understand the various routes of entry into the industry are well placed to offer opportunities and recruit their future pipeline of skills. Although the routes of entry into the industry can be complex and confusing, employers that understand them are well placed to offer opportunities and recruit their future pipeline of skills.