

Morrisby is a complete careers guidance platform for every 11-18 student comprising of 1) psychometric careers assessments 2) Extensive career, subject, course and apprenticeship library 3) Lesson library and 4) Tracking and recording tools.

  1. Assessments – there are two versions, one with the full “Morrisby Profile” that provides the most detailed and scientific insight into a student’s aptitudes, aspirations and personality and a “Standard” set which includes assessments for aspirations, personality, priorities and study interests. All are steeped in many years research and evidence based.


  2. Library – this consists of the most up-to-date career library available in the UK complete with videos, detailed regional LMI, SkillsBuilder skill levels and a course library that covers the whole UCAS catalogue plus European courses and international providers.


  3. Lesson Library – this has a complete scheme for KS3,4 and 5 careers lessons (44 lessons) all mapped to Gatsby, CDI and PSHE plus over 100 Tutor time lessons many with Kahoot quizzes. All lessons come complete with PowerPoint presentations, worksheets and other resources.


  4. Tracking and recording will allow you to build a complete picture of your students’ engagement with your career programme, provide evidence for SLT and Ofsted and make data upload to Compass+ a simpler task.


The system also supports sixth forms with tools to support both student research for UCAS and back-end tools for personal statements, academic references and predicted grades.

Morrisby now has a WEX, work experience module in partnership with Changing Education.


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