Parental Engagement: Career Adviser Parents' Meeting

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This activity supports the following recommendations for good parental engagement:

  • Build trust with socially-disadvantaged families
  • Stimulate family conversations
  • Draw on parents as a resource

This activity is designed to maximise the impact with parents of the work your Careers Adviser is already doing in school or college. It includes guidance on ensuring your Careers Adviser is part of planning the wider parental engagement approach and provides tailored resources for use in Key Stage 3-4 and 4-5 appointments.

It can work well virtually and parental engagement can be maximised by offering parents the opportunity to join appointments remotely, while students and Careers Advisers are face to face.


Activity objectives

  • To help parents and students openly discuss aspirations and careers options.
  • To help parents and students see how they can work together to explore the options further, through identifying actions and sources of support available.
  • To help parents share their experience, expectations and concerns in a supportive and productive way.
  • To help parents and students see the Careers Adviser as a valuable and trusted source of support to inform their careers conversations.
  • To enable Careers Advisers to integrate their work into the school or college’s parental engagement.


Activity information

  • Engaging parents
  • 30 mins
Top tips
  • Build trust with socially-disadvantaged families
  • Stimulate family conversations
  • Draw on parents as a resource

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