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The guidance and other resources can be found here.
Aimed at school leaders, subject leads and other education decision-makers, the guidance highlights the links between financial education and the curriculum, sets out how schools can improve the financial education they deliver, and signposts to services and resources that can help.
The guidance outlines some of the actions schools can take to strengthen the financial education they offer, including: auditing provision and gathering the view of pupils, staff and parents; the role of the financial education lead; creating a safe environment for learning about money’ supporting pupils with additional needs; engaging parents and carers and what a whole-school approach could look like. The resources section highlights key quality assured resources that can support schools to deliver.
There is separate guidance for primary and secondary schools in England and Scotland (also available in Gaelic). Work is underway to develop similar materials for schools in Wales and Northern Ireland.
The Talk Money Week toolkit for schools is linked to the Talk Money Week national campaign, coordinated by MaPS, which aims to get everyone talking about money. The toolkit encourages schools to get involved and tells them about the resources and services they can use to enhance their financial education provision, during Talk Money week and beyond.