Support students to pursue the BEST next step for them


Careers Leaders support students to find their best next step by considering intended destinations data alongside: 

  • Historic/tracked intended destination data 
  • Mock exam results and academic progress data 
  • Careers readiness information (via Future Skills questionnaire, etc) 
  • EHCP and individual action plans 
  • Labour Market Information 
  • Actual destinations 
  • Aspiration 
  • Stereotypes 


Key Resources:

  1. Use Compass+ or our handy template to review intended destinations in line with previous responses, attainment data, etc 
  2. Use the Future Skills Questionnaire for key student/cohorts to identify key areas for targeted support for individuals/cohorts
  3. Engage parents/carers to open up effective careers conversations at home around careers preferences and decision making with this key resource from the Talking Futures toolkit.




“Our progressive careers programme means that most students have a realistic intended destination and that they all have a sensible back-up option, which removes some of the anxiety around them moving into a destination. However, I review choices in light of mock results and individual student context/extra needs to help support students.” 

Intended and actual destinations can also inform longer term continuous improvement and impact evaluation. 

For further resource and support on supporting students to find their best next step, you can access: 

Other supporting resources:  

1. Talking Futures 

Access key resources to resources to help you support parents’ role in careers decision-making and increase their participation in key activities.  


  1. Re-orienting parents’ evenings to offer an opportunity to discuss education and careers choices as well as progression. Includes preparation activity for parents/carers who need more support.  
  2. Inspiration and upskilling: building skills challenge: A family teamwork challenge to explore how different skills and strengths can suit a range of career and education options.

2. Benchmark 7: Making it Meaningfu

Access this resource to support you to plan meaningful encounters with providers to support your students to understand all learning opportunities available to them 

3. My Skills My Future 

This programme has been collated from resources across our partners and network to support young people with SEND under the 2 groups identified in the SEND toolkit. It contains lessons around employability skill development , employer projects and engagement videos all to support young people in their next steps. 

4. Developing careers knowledge and skills: Online Resources for Students 

  1. Home - Youth Employment UK >Free online 'self-led' training courses for students from YEUK to develop careers knowledge and skills. Link students to modules on 'preparing for your Future' and 'Explore Work Experience' 
  2.  Skills Builder Hub > Access to a free suite of resources and lesson plans aligned to Skills Builder Framework to help students develop Essential Skills. Register to access the Skills Builder Hub to access resources via tutorial/careers programme or within subject lessons to develop Essential Skills 
  3.  Barclays Life Skills > Barclays Life Skills Student self-led resource and support. Encourage students to register to access interactive tools, films and activities to support them in developing careers knowledge and skills 

5. Compass+ 

With our free Compass+ tool you can benchmark, manage, track and report on your school's careers provision at individual student level. 

6. Future Skills Questionnaire 

The Future Skills Questionnaire gives students the opportunity to reflect on their career-related knowledge and skills. The tool can be used to inform continuous improvement and impact evaluation. 

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