School Destination Report Example

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The value of Destinations Data

As a Careers Leader or staff in school, you will want to know whether your careers programme is really having the impact you think it is…think on….

  1. Are your high attaining, disadvantaged students following similar pathways to their peers who are more advantaged?
  2. What proportion of girls achieving well in STEM GCSEs pursue courses in STEM?
  3. What proportion of girls and boys follow the apprenticeship route?
  4. Are your students going into growth sectors or chasing jobs in declining industries?

If you can’t answer these questions, then here’s some help


Why track destinations:

If we deliver high quality CEIAG students develop skills in career management and employability which in turn means students make positive transitions and achieve good destinations.


For Leavers:

  • Use the information to determine where students go after leaving our school
  • Track subjects students go into and employment areas of courses and apprenticeships
  • Support students to have successful destinations
  • Track actual destinations with intended (a useful guide to ascertain if the quality of the programme was successful) or if more needed to be done
  • Ensuring that all students in Y11 prior to leaving have completed at least one application to post 16 learning
  • Cross-match intended destinations with appropriateness of provision based on our knowledge of the student and tracking of careers aspirations over the five year whilst at school
  • Track that we met the September Guarantee (we do each year)
  • Ensure students who were identified as being at greater risk of NEET take up their place at post 16
  • Offer contact with students once they leave our school so further support can be provided through the summer or at a later stage to support individuals
  • Demonstrate impact of careers education on destinations
  • Celebrate the success of your students - success stories to share with staff, parents/carers and local community


For current students:

  • Raise career aspirations of students currently in school through examples
  • Inform careers provision
  • What courses and training leavers move to – how does this compare with the local offer in school and post 16
  • Identifying courses so CLs are up to date with the changing landscape
  • Identify trends in data that may enable earlier identification of such students in similar circumstances and so intervene or adapt programmes to address these gaps
  • Presenting a broader offer of opportunities to students
  • Compare destination data and trends around LMI and key information from regional LMI data and growth areas, etc.
  • Explore destinations figures for key stage four and post-16 students and identify any deficits in take up of pathways, subjects or courses that could be addressed by better tailoring of the careers programme
  • Further develop relationships through impartial broad range of opportunities


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